Sunday, October 26, 2008


Familys you better love them because they love you
Ok think boys and girls THINK THINK THINK!!!!!!
I love my family you butter love your familys thats nice
So be nice love them care have fun too

My sister

My sister back bloging lol i can't wait when intill she gets in the contest who can get to 1 mollion


You afaid it looks like in your pict

My sister

My sister is funny (nice blogg you put on my blog) i really like it. here's a song to really porf it

Your cute, funny, and kool like you all day.
i know we have frights but its ok i love you

My sister hahaha

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Emilee's Sis

Hi everyone, this is Chelsea Elizabethh. I am Emi's sister.
I decided to go on her blog since she has left the room and most likely won't be coming back for a while.

Emi has been blogging for about 2 years. She is amazing at it. She just needs some help on her word use. I should be able to help. I used to have a blog, well 2 actually, but I forgot the password to both of them and will soon be making a new one. I will, maybe, be writing my blog on her and my aunts blog.

Chelsea WILL rule the world

Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Songs

My songs are going great here's one

Your my lovey sunday lovey with kids muhahahahah
Oh sorry that am being a pig i know that you love me and you care about me ohoh

Thats all i have right now sorry

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Emilee's and Milena's play

i got a play lol i can't wait in till you post note about it sister is Jenny in it i am Carly Milena is Isabella and her brother fanko is Jake!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008


I can't wait in till HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's going to be so much fun lol are you going out for Halloween night post notes and i will see if you are going out on Halloween night bye

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Thank you

I will thank you to my family for all the things they do for me there goes my mom i go follow her with my dad he's big and happy when we have good time!! Also here's a poem about my family

Mom your great when you though the freaks

dad your cool like when your in the pool!

sis your wow like your pop!

bro your something when your piping

And i am awsome like ice cream falling for a rock fill the ice cream yum yum

Thank you bye bye

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


school going bad i got the bad teacher i am emilee i don't like my teacher because she yells oh she yells please help me help me get out of here i love if someone just to get me out of here thank you if you do

you friend,

emilee carney

Friday, October 3, 2008

Me going apple picking tomorrow

I'm going apple picking tomorrow i can't wait i love apple picking hahahah fun
you should go because i am going lol
sometime i don't want to go to apple pick maybe but i love to go
lol i know that i am funny but now bye bye see you tomorrow

Your friend

My songs

here are my songs

There goes my pocketful of sunshine ,It goes so far over the county line.
There goes my pocketful of sunshine, so bright on the loose vine .oh oh oh
I know that i have my pocketful of sunshine!! With me today!!!!!
Through the sunlight there is a sign that said's keep on walking
and you'll find my pocketful of sunshine x4x
yah yah yah owh!!!!!!!!